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10 Tricks on How to Get a Child to Read When They Refuse

by | Jul 2, 2024 | Educational Resources | 0 comments

Is your child more interested in playing video games or watching TV than reading a book? Are you tired of asking your child to pick up a book only to be met with resistance and a stubborn refusal? Worry no more! We’ve got some clever tricks up our sleeve to help you spark a love for reading in even the most reluctant of young minds.

1.  Create a Reading-Friendly Environment

Design a special reading nook that’s inviting and comfortable. A cozy corner with pillows, blankets, and good lighting can make reading time more appealing. Stock the nook with a diverse range of books that match your child’s interests and reading level, including:

  • Adventure stories
  • Graphic novels
  • Non-fiction texts

This setup will foster a conducive environment for reading and learning.

2.  Lead by Example

Children often mimic the behaviors they see in adults, so ensure to model a love for reading yourself. Let your child see you reading books, magazines, or newspapers. Share your excitement about a great book you’re reading, and talk about interesting stories or facts you’ve discovered. Your enthusiasm can be contagious and inspire them to read.

3.  Let Them Choose

Empower your child by allowing them to select their own reading material. Take them to the library or bookstore and let them explore different genres and topics. When children have a say in what they read, they’re more likely to feel invested in the process.

4.  Make it Fun

Transform reading into an exciting and interactive adventure. Choose books with vibrant illustrations and engaging relatable stories. Use pop-up books or ones with tactile elements to captivate their attention. Add some fun by creating unique voices for different characters or acting out scenes together.

5.  Incorporate Technology

In today’s digital age, technology can be a powerful tool for engaging reluctant readers. Explore reading apps, audiobooks, and interactive e-books that offer multimedia elements and interactive features. These can provide a more dynamic and immersive reading experience.

6.  Read Aloud Together

Reading aloud with your child can be a bonding experience that also helps improve their reading skills. Choose books that are slightly above their current reading level and take turns reading paragraphs or pages. Encourage them to ask questions and discuss the story as you go along.

7.  Find Alternative Reading Materials

If traditional books aren’t capturing your child’s interest, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Experiment with different formats such as comic books, graphic novels, magazines, or even online articles. The goal is to expose them to various reading materials until they find something that resonates with them.

8.  Connect Reading to Their Interests

One of the most effective ways to encourage reading is to tie it to your child’s passions and hobbies. Whether they love animals, sports, science, or fantasy, seek out books that align with their interests. When reading becomes relevant to their lives, they’re more likely to engage with it willingly.

9.  Set Realistic Expectations

Avoid putting too much pressure on your child to read a certain number of pages or books within a specific timeframe. Instead, focus on creating a positive reading experience that emphasizes enjoyment rather than achievement. Celebrate their progress and effort, no matter how small.

10. Be Patient and Persistent

Finally, remember that building a lifelong love for reading takes time and patience. Be consistent in your efforts, but also be prepared for setbacks and resistance along the way. Stay positive, encouraging, and supportive, and eventually, your child may come to see reading as a source of pleasure rather than a chore.

Dana Lynn Romero | 10 Tricks on How to Get a Child to Read When They Refuse

Children are happiest and most engaged in reading when they have access to books that match their interests and passions.


Helping a reluctant child discover the joys of reading may require creativity, flexibility, and persistence, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By implementing these ten strategies, you can create a supportive environment that nurtures a love for reading in even the most resistant young readers.

Ready to start to   inspire a love for reading in your child? Consider reading “The Misfits and the Rainy-Day Picnic” by Dana Lynn Romero. Featuring garden insects endeavoring to rescue their companion from a mischievous cat, this book promises to captivate while instilling valuable lessons about collaboration and determination. Get your copy now!

Happy Reading!


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